Team & Credits
 Other Tools Used

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QuickServer's founder and core developer.
Software developer and technical lead at a IT firm in Bangalore, India. Experienced in design development and deployment of software solutions with a high degree of core competence in server side Java. Expertise includes J2EE, Core Java and web-based application. Also have e-Finance and banking domain expertise.
Blog - blog.akshathkumarshetty.com
Photo Gallery - akshathphotography.com
- Thanks to following people who helped me with this project
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Has made contributions towards documentation and Developers Guide and also has given valuable suggestion that helped me.
Has made contributions towards adding BYTE Mode of communication to QuickServer.
Has made contributions towards php coding for this site and also has given valuable suggestion that helped me.
Thanks to everyone who helped me in this project. Thanks to all users who posted/sent their valuable comments and suggestion.
My special thanks to Markus Elfring, Landon Dyer, Antonio, Miquel Barba and Dino for their valuable comments and contributions. Also thanks to Dave Brosius for all his bug reports and patches posted on "Bug Tracking" section.
Please do keep reporting any suggestion/bugs that you find in QuickServer
that way you will be helping in improving it.
QuickServer uses the following third party libraries and would like
to thank them all of them for making life easier.
Jakarta Commons: This product includes software developed by the Apache Software
Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). Read the "requirements.txt" file for details from the distribution.
Metouia Look And Feel: A free pluggable look and feel for java. License : GNU LGPL
NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Installation System, which is a open source scriptable win32 installer/uninstaller system, is used make the win32 installer. (http://nsis.sourceforge.net/)
YourKit Java Profiler: YourKit Java Profiler, is a CPU and memory profiler that makes it easy to solve wide range of CPU and memory-related performance problems. (http://www.yourkit.com/)
InfiniteProgressPanel: Used in ChatServer GUI Client example, this code was from Romain Guy's webblog [BSD license]. (http://www.jroller.com/page/gfx/)