Reviews & Resources

"I discovered a gem of an open-source project"
By Java Developer's Journal's Editor-in-Chief : Alan Williamson
Alan Williamson was faced with having to build an IMAP server. Just as he was about to start getting into Sockets, Writers and Readers he happened upon a jewel lurking within the pile of open-source. Discover what he speaks of QuickServer ... [Read Full Article]
"Frameworks like this are very important projects."
By Javalobby's founder : Rick Ross
Frameworks like this are very important projects. Thanks for developing and supporting QuickServer. [Read Forums Article]
This is the home for the large collection of open-source softwares. It provides free web hosting and a platform to developing and managing for open source projects.
This is the home for a collection of open-source java projects. It provides free platform to develop and manage for open source projects.
This is the homepage of the Apache Software Foundation.
It has produced many free quality open source java projects and library like Ant, Commons Components, Tomcat, Axis, XML Parsers.
Lumberjack Java Logging library
This is the homepage of the Lumberjack Java Logging library that
provides logging for JDK 1.3 and bellow.
A framework to write repeatable tests.
NSIS : Nullsoft Scriptable Installation System
This is a open source scriptable win32 installer/uninstaller system, is used make the
win32 installer.
IzPack : Java software installer builder
This is the homepage of the IzPack java software installer builder released under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2 of the licence.
Thinking in Java
This is the homepage of the very good and free java ebook - 'Thinking in Java' by Bruce Eckel.
Zone Edit
This is the homepage of the ZoneEdit, provides good DNS management functions for your domain.
phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable open-source bulletin board package.
Java-Source.Net is a good directory of open source java projects.